Nova aetas best faction
Nova aetas best faction

  • Anti-Cavalry: Units specialized in polearms are much better at their job than in Warband, with even a Looter or a Peasant with a pitchfork being able to stop dead in its tracks all but the heaviest cavalry troops.
  • With Bannerlord featuring dynastic elements (if your character dies, you take over as someone else in your clan), these weapons your character crafted can pass down the generations.
  • Ancestral Weapon: The game features a robust crafting system, allowing players to design all sorts of weird and unique weapons, give them a name, and use them in battle.
  • These also include place names for nearby terrain features that are all unlabeled on the main map.

    nova aetas best faction

    All There in the Manual: The seemingly-generic towns and villages each have a few lines of flavor text in the encyclopedia, discussing their history and the people who live there.

    Nova aetas best faction